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my name is nova nofridawati!

life is ironically funny!!

oke, tadi malam aku bilang kan kalo aku onlen, terus bikin note, terus dikomen samo biiip, terus di-like sm ciput,

how can you do not think that life is ironically funny, huh??

bener2 deh,

supaya lebih kerasa, nih note yg aku bikin tuu :

dear you....

come to think of it,

life is ironically funny

i slammed the door at your face,

but my nose got instead

i kicked you out of my life,

but i was the one who felt rejected

i ripped your heart

but i was the one who live with the pain

i killed you,

but i was the one who died

i wanted nothing to do with you

but here i am waiting for you to come back

i didn't want to love you

but bow i'm looking back over my shoulder

wishing that i could turn back the time

how do you think?
banyak yg bilang keren tuh, padahal aku udah buat kok dijudulnya kalo itu surat yang aku jeplak di sebuah novel,

smells ya later....

sp: i miss writing soooooooooo much!!!


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