about us
my name is nova nofridawati!


dalam rangka mencari tugas akhir menu, Q kembali onlen,
uia, Q br nyadar, kn (*ape t namax yg ddkat putu klo bkak pesbug lwt kompi, dbwahx t ad status gt jgag kn?)

Q buat dsitu wkt t, "harus cabut batre?? yah, mw gmn lg? emg kmu bs apa opa?" gt lah kira2,
nah, kalo biiip nulis gni, "udahh jalani aja. . .

gak usah kek gitu laahh, ,"

hehe, Q jd ge-er,
paling nggak, ad 'poengaruh' Q bwt dy,
Q ud ubah kug, jd gni :

Each one of us has our own lines to live.

It's a journey, not a separation.

It's a beginning, not an end.

It'll be a little lonely, but that's the way things are.

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